已发布: 22 一月 2012

Multiplying Agriculture by the Power of Mobile

The revolution in mobile communications is providing a lifeline to agricultural communities around the developing world. Mobile technology is already demonstrating its potential to provide farmers with the services and information they need to grow both their production and their standard of living. By taking steps to make mobile financial services accessible to smallholder farmers, policy makers, enterprises and development organizations can play a role in empowering them with the tools they need to reap the return their hard work deserves.

The revolution in mobile communications is providing a lifeline to agricultural communities around the developing world. Mobile technology is already demonstrating its potential to provide farmers with the services and information they need to grow both their production and their standard of living. By taking steps to make mobile financial services accessible to smallholder farmers, policy makers, enterprises and development organizations can play a role in empowering them with the tools they need to reap the return their hard work deserves.


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