已发布: 8 十二月 2023

Mining and Metals: Trends, Challenges and the Way Forward

This report examines key industry trends including the shift towards renewable energy and sustainability considerations, technological advancements, and the deepening relationship between supply chains, socio-environmental effects and geopolitics.

This report examines key industry trends including the shift towards renewable energy and sustainability considerations, technological advancements, and the deepening relationship between supply chains, socio-environmental effects and geopolitics.

The World Economic Forum convened a group of senior leaders from the Mining and Metals industry communities to explore the major challenges that will shape the industry’s ongoing transformation. This report compiles their views, which together provide a foundation for both industry and non-industry stakeholders to understand the dynamic and complex nature of this industry, and will assist them in making the right choices that will pave the way for a responsible and transformative future.


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