已发布: 12 三月 2024

Metaverse Identity: Defining the Self in a Blended Reality

The metaverse, poised to redefine the internet, intertwines the digital and physical, emphasizing the pivotal role of “identity” in shaping immersive, human-centric experiences.

The metaverse, poised to redefine the internet, intertwines the digital and physical, emphasizing the pivotal role of “identity” in shaping immersive, human-centric experiences.

The World Economic Forum's latest report, written in collaboration with Accenture, explores metaverse identity, advocating for a secure, inclusive and privacy-focused approach. It highlights identity's multifaceted nature, encompassing personal representations, data intricacies and digital entities, essential for genuine digital belonging. Addressing over 150 global experts' insights, the report calls for a collaborative, interdisciplinary strategy to navigate identity challenges. It highlights the need for the metaverse to be built with equality and accessibility as its foundations, emphasizing responsible data practices and inclusive design.

As the metaverse evolves, comprehensively understanding identity is crucial for its potential to revolutionize how people interact and express themselves digitally, facilitating a space that respects privacy, security and human rights.


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