已发布: 20 十月 2010

MENA Roundtable on Entrepreneurship Education

On 24 October 2010, on occasion of the World Economic Forum on the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) in Marrakech, Morocco, the Steering Board of the World Economic Forum’s Global Education Initiative, the MENA Action Group and other leaders from business,government, academia and civil society gathered for a private high-level roundtable on entrepreneurship education. The gap between skills and jobs is widening further in the MENA region and many countries lag behind other countries around the world in terms of competitiveness. The region must invest in developing entrepreneurial and innovative skills to build sustainable economic development, create jobs and generate renewed economic growth. The MENA region needs to equip future generations with the necessary skills for the 21st century.

On 24 October 2010, on occasion of the World Economic Forum on the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) in Marrakech, Morocco, the Steering Board of the World Economic Forum’s Global Education Initiative, the MENA Action Group and other leaders from business,government, academia and civil society gathered for a private high-level roundtable on entrepreneurship education. The gap between skills and jobs is widening further in the MENA region and many countries lag behind other countries around the world in terms of competitiveness. The region must invest in developing entrepreneurial and innovative skills to build sustainable economic development, create jobs and generate renewed economic growth. The MENA region needs to equip future generations with the necessary skills for the 21st century.


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