已发布: 3 十月 2023

Measuring Digital Trust: Supporting Decision-Making for Trustworthy Technologies

The World Economic Forum’s Digital Trust initiative seeks to establish a global consensus among stakeholders regarding what measurable steps can be taken to improve the trustworthiness of digital technologies. To that end, this white paper leverages the Forum’s digital trust framework, a decision aid for leaders as they navigate how to earn digital trust, and defines measures to help them evaluate an organization’s progress towards digital trust goals and the maturity of digital trust dimensions. Such measures are an important next step for leaders taking a comprehensive approach to earning digital trust.

The World Economic Forum’s Digital Trust initiative seeks to establish a global consensus among stakeholders regarding what measurable steps can be taken to improve the trustworthiness of digital technologies. To that end, this white paper leverages the Forum’s digital trust framework, a decision aid for leaders as they navigate how to earn digital trust, and defines measures to help them evaluate an organization’s progress towards digital trust goals and the maturity of digital trust dimensions. Such measures are an important next step for leaders taking a comprehensive approach to earning digital trust.


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