已发布: 3 五月 2018

Maximizing the Return on Digital Investments

Digital technologies offer new ways for companies to grow and be more productive. However, it is not completely clear how investments in new technologies impact productivity. This White Paper addresses that issue by analysing the business value impact of new technology investments and providing recommendations for maximizing that value. It includes an econometric analysis of the productivity impact of new technologies using data from a sample of over 16,000 companies from 14 industries and an analysis, through interviews and workshops with industry leaders, of key enablers and execution principles to maximize the return on digital investments.

Digital technologies offer new ways for companies to grow and be more productive. However, it is not completely clear how investments in new technologies impact productivity. This White Paper addresses that issue by analysing the business value impact of new technology investments and providing recommendations for maximizing that value. It includes an econometric analysis of the productivity impact of new technologies using data from a sample of over 16,000 companies from 14 industries and an analysis, through interviews and workshops with industry leaders, of key enablers and execution principles to maximize the return on digital investments.


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