已发布: 12 一月 2023

Markets of Tomorrow Report 2023: Turning Technologies into New Sources of Global Growth

The advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution has led to wide-ranging opportunities from advanced technologies for business and government. In recent decades these technologies have often failed to deliver the promised game-changing results for the benefit of society, but there is growing evidence that dynamic governments and purpose-driven businesses are willing to shape a new era of public-private cooperation. A proactive approach and greater strategic planning are now required in order to create the “markets of tomorrow” that meet key societal needs.

The advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution has led to wide-ranging opportunities from advanced technologies for business and government. In recent decades these technologies have often failed to deliver the promised game-changing results for the benefit of society, but there is growing evidence that dynamic governments and purpose-driven businesses are willing to shape a new era of public-private cooperation. A proactive approach and greater strategic planning are now required in order to create the “markets of tomorrow” that meet key societal needs.

To develop a more nuanced overview of the technologies and sectors that are set to shape the markets of tomorrow, this report draws on more than 12,000 responses to the World Economic Forum’s Executive Opinion Survey, carried out in more than 120 countries. The report presents the top technologies, the most important enabling sectors, and the key bottlenecks to market creation.

The report is part of the Centre for the New Economy's wider Markets of Tomorrow Initiative, which includes the Market Creators Alliance, coalition of senior leaders from the public sector, the investment industry and the wider business world, and a network of country accelerators to help identify, create and nurture new markets to drive economic transformation.


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