已发布: 20 十月 2020

Markets of Tomorrow: Pathways to a New Economy

Recovery from the economic downturn attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic calls for an inclusive and sustainable economic transformation capable of economic growth that is conducive to the broader societal and environmental objectives to be achieved over the coming decade. Realizing such a transformation will require proactively creating the “markets of tomorrow” through a creative combination of breakthrough technological and socio-institutional innovation. The goal is to produce not only more or better, but to transform economies by establishing new technological and institutional systems that can resolve some of today’s most pressing societal issues.

Recovery from the economic downturn attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic calls for an inclusive and sustainable economic transformation capable of economic growth that is conducive to the broader societal and environmental objectives to be achieved over the coming decade. Realizing such a transformation will require proactively creating the “markets of tomorrow” through a creative combination of breakthrough technological and socio-institutional innovation. The goal is to produce not only more or better, but to transform economies by establishing new technological and institutional systems that can resolve some of today’s most pressing societal issues.

Twenty markets of tomorrow are considered promising in that they could support inclusive and sustainable revival of growth. A framework is provided to assess the maturity of these markets across seven target conditions.


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