已发布: 24 十月 2010

Managing our Future Water Needs for Agriculture, Industry, Human Health and the Environment

Significant business disruptions due to water scarcity – across all sectors and geographies, and with all the associated technical, economic, political, environmental and social implications – are a reality today, and are projected to worsen in the future, as a result of climate change and demographics. Governments play an important role in helping to mitigate and adapt to the challenge, but so does the private sector, through individual company actions and through innovative public-private and multistakeholder partnerships. CEOs are called to catalyse holistic water management actions up and down their respective supply chains and throughout the existing and new networks of which they are a part. 

Significant business disruptions due to water scarcity – across all sectors and geographies, and with all the associated technical, economic, political, environmental and social implications – are a reality today, and are projected to worsen in the future, as a result of climate change and demographics. Governments play an important role in helping to mitigate and adapt to the challenge, but so does the private sector, through individual company actions and through innovative public-private and multistakeholder partnerships. CEOs are called to catalyse holistic water management actions up and down their respective supply chains and throughout the existing and new networks of which they are a part. 


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