已发布: 25 九月 2024

Mainstreaming Food Innovation: A Roadmap for Stakeholders

Global food systems today are contending with a dwindling supply of arable land while attempting to feed a growing global population. Innovation in food systems can play an important role in addressing these challenges, contributing to a better food future for everyone. Developed in collaboration with Boston Consulting Group, this white paper provides a roadmap for stakeholders to mainstream food innovations.

Global food systems today are contending with a dwindling supply of arable land while attempting to feed a growing global population. Innovation in food systems can play an important role in addressing these challenges, contributing to a better food future for everyone. Developed in collaboration with Boston Consulting Group, this white paper provides a roadmap for stakeholders to mainstream food innovations.

Although such innovations are plentiful, their full impact potential is not being realized because they are not being adopted at scale. Significant barriers to scaling include high production costs per unit, complex regulatory environments, lack of co-creation, poor infrastructure and inconsistent demand. Delivering on the promise of food innovation requires mechanisms to reduce these barriers.

This white paper outlines a framework to source innovations, shape them to ensure they are fit for purpose and scale them by mobilizing the right ecosystem of partners to drive adoption. Through unified efforts, coalitions of aligned partners can ensure that food innovations deliver on their promise to create a food system transformation that is not only environmentally resilient but helps transform the lives of all stakeholders involved, especially primary producers and consumers.


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