已发布: 13 一月 2023

Leaders and Intrapreneurs: Driving Investment in Frontier Markets

This white paper highlights best practices from pioneering organizations to unlock investment in frontier markets. It showcases the key actions that took place behind the scenes before four organizations – the International Committee of the Red Cross, the European Commission - Directorate General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations, the United Nations World Food Programme and FMO – Entrepreneurial Development Bank – were able to successfully engage in humanitarian and resilience investing.

This white paper highlights best practices from pioneering organizations to unlock investment in frontier markets. It showcases the key actions that took place behind the scenes before four organizations – the International Committee of the Red Cross, the European Commission - Directorate General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations, the United Nations World Food Programme and FMO – Entrepreneurial Development Bank – were able to successfully engage in humanitarian and resilience investing.

The paper identifies the role of leaders in creating the space for change, and the part that individuals and teams played in using that space to implement the changes required to achieve traction. It includes case studies that provide readers with details of concrete actions these organisations took to increase their readiness across mandates, organizational support, systems and procedures, and resources. The aim of the paper is to inspire leaders and intrapreneurs to take action that delivers long-term solutions for those most in need.


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