已发布: 17 九月 2020

Investor Leadership: Retooling for a Resilient Future

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged all areas of government, business and individuals in its wake. Investors, in their role as capital allocators, have a particularly unique role in their business and economic influence.

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged all areas of government, business and individuals in its wake. Investors, in their role as capital allocators, have a particularly unique role in their business and economic influence.

During this time, The World Economic Forum’s platform on Shaping the Future of Investing convened executives within the Investors industry, through a series of meetings and CEO interviews, in order to identify key challenges, and more importantly, identify ways that investors can help to provide leadership in the recovery ahead.

This paper contains key insights from those meetings, as well as a number of case studies highlighting how some of our partners have been responding.


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