已发布: 3 一月 2020

International Investment in the Age of Geopolitical Competition, Technological Change and Trade Confrontation

Geopolitical tensions have shaken business confidence, leading to decreased global investment flows. This briefing paper by the Global Future Council on International Trade and Investment explains the new forces shaping international investment. It outlines three possible future scenarios for the system: 1) disruption eventually leads to enhanced cooperation; 2) limited cooperation is achieved by middle-ground countries, or 3) trade wars and technological fragmentation become semi-permanent.

Geopolitical tensions have shaken business confidence, leading to decreased global investment flows. This briefing paper by the Global Future Council on International Trade and Investment explains the new forces shaping international investment. It outlines three possible future scenarios for the system: 1) disruption eventually leads to enhanced cooperation; 2) limited cooperation is achieved by middle-ground countries, or 3) trade wars and technological fragmentation become semi-permanent.


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