已发布: 28 四月 2022

Investing in Health Equity: Why Strong ESG Strategies Help Build a Healthier, More Inclusive World

The overlapping crises of COVID-19, forced migration and climate change have disproportionately affected historically marginalized communities and worsened inequities in health and well-being.

The overlapping crises of COVID-19, forced migration and climate change have disproportionately affected historically marginalized communities and worsened inequities in health and well-being.

With the simultaneous erosion of global trust across all sectors, organizations must commit to prioritizing action towards health equity as core to their strategy.

To support these efforts, the World Economic Forum and partners conducted a global survey of 42 cross-industry executives to identify opportunities and barriers for leaders wishing to embed health equity across their operations.

Findings from the survey have been compiled and made available in this insight report, which seeks to make the business case for investing in strategies and operations that affect health and well-being.


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