已发布: 1 五月 2014

The Internet Trust Bubble Global Values, Beliefs and Practices

Digital technology is becoming a medium of daily life, business and governance, shaping future societies and economies. At the centre of this change is the emerging understanding that the Internet is not an inexorable natural force, but, rather, a human artefact that can be shaped.The critical driver of the Internet’s future does not lie in the rarefied rooms of government officials and big companies but in the attitudes of the citizens and consumers they are serving. The Internet Trust Bubble report focuses on the attitudes of global users of the Internet, their practices, habits of expression as well as attitudes towards privacy, security and trust. The Internet is a global commons and findings presented in the following pages indicate that global citizens are aware of this, and express beliefs and attitudes that seek to preserve and enhance this asset.

Digital technology is becoming a medium of daily life, business and governance, shaping future societies and economies. At the centre of this change is the emerging understanding that the Internet is not an inexorable natural force, but, rather, a human artefact that can be shaped.The critical driver of the Internet’s future does not lie in the rarefied rooms of government officials and big companies but in the attitudes of the citizens and consumers they are serving. The Internet Trust Bubble report focuses on the attitudes of global users of the Internet, their practices, habits of expression as well as attitudes towards privacy, security and trust. The Internet is a global commons and findings presented in the following pages indicate that global citizens are aware of this, and express beliefs and attitudes that seek to preserve and enhance this asset.


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