已发布: 24 一月 2010

Innovative Water Partnerships: Experiences, Lessons Learned and Proposed Way Forward

Since 2006, the World Economic Forum’s Water Initiative has pursued a Water Partnership Projects workstream in India, Southern Africa and, more recently in Jordan. This publication provides details on the work, its impacts and learnings. The report recommends the creation of a small, dedicated unit to support and grow the regional platforms and networks of the water partnerships work. It suggests the unit could be housed within the private sector but linked closely with development and NGO partners, through a public-private governance framework and mandate.

Since 2006, the World Economic Forum’s Water Initiative has pursued a Water Partnership Projects workstream in India, Southern Africa and, more recently in Jordan. This publication provides details on the work, its impacts and learnings. The report recommends the creation of a small, dedicated unit to support and grow the regional platforms and networks of the water partnerships work. It suggests the unit could be housed within the private sector but linked closely with development and NGO partners, through a public-private governance framework and mandate.


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