已发布: 24 二月 2010

Innovations in Corporate Global Citizenship: Responding to the Haiti Earthquake

The unparalleled disaster in Haiti required an unprecedented response. In the following report we present examples of corporate global citizenship in Haiti following the tragic earthquake of 12 January 2010. The purpose of doing so is to highlight the increasing role of the private sector in contributing to innovations in humanitarian assistance through tri-sector partnerships. We also identify remaining gaps and hope that this report, through raising awareness of these gaps, will help to eliminate them as responses to future disasters.

The unparalleled disaster in Haiti required an unprecedented response. In the following report we present examples of corporate global citizenship in Haiti following the tragic earthquake of 12 January 2010. The purpose of doing so is to highlight the increasing role of the private sector in contributing to innovations in humanitarian assistance through tri-sector partnerships. We also identify remaining gaps and hope that this report, through raising awareness of these gaps, will help to eliminate them as responses to future disasters.


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