已发布: 16 一月 2024

Innovation and Adaptation in the Climate Crisis: Technology for the New Normal

The impacts of climate change are increasing in frequency and intensity. Nearly half of the world’s population lives in regions that are vulnerable to these impacts. Virtually every sector of the global economy is exposed to some degree of climate-related risk.

The impacts of climate change are increasing in frequency and intensity. Nearly half of the world’s population lives in regions that are vulnerable to these impacts. Virtually every sector of the global economy is exposed to some degree of climate-related risk.

Climate adaptation is the process of adjusting ecological, social and economic systems to alleviate the impacts of climate change. This includes preparedness and crisis response for extreme events such as flooding and wildfires. It also encompasses multi-faceted, agile approaches for navigating a world where reliable climate and weather conditions can no longer be taken for granted.

A set of data-driven and digital technologies – all synergistic with artificial intelligence – are emerging as mission-critical tools for climate adaptation. They provide leaders with new forms of intelligence to adapt and build resilience into their communities and businesses. Along the way, first-movers will find that harnessing technology for adaptation is not only a risk mitigation strategy but a source of competitive advantage.


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