已发布: 11 二月 2014

Infrastructure Investment Policy Blueprint

 Governments the world over are facing an acute need for new or modernized infrastructure; the estimated shortfall in global infrastructure debt and equity investment is at least US$ 1 trillion per year. There is no fundamental scarcity of private capital – investors are frequently falling short of their target allocations. Despite infrastructure’s in-principle attractiveness as an asset class and the reduced role of traditional financing, investors struggle to find opportunities that are globally competitive on a risk-adjusted return basis.Overseen by the Global Agenda Council on Long-Term Investing, the Infrastructure Investment Policy Blueprint offers a practical set of recommendations for governments on attracting private capital for infrastructure projects while creating clear social and economic value for their citizens. Through practical advice and case studies, the report provides support to policy-makers as they continue the challenging quest of building and financ­ing the engine of the world’s productivity and economic growth – global infrastructure.

 Governments the world over are facing an acute need for new or modernized infrastructure; the estimated shortfall in global infrastructure debt and equity investment is at least US$ 1 trillion per year. There is no fundamental scarcity of private capital – investors are frequently falling short of their target allocations. Despite infrastructure’s in-principle attractiveness as an asset class and the reduced role of traditional financing, investors struggle to find opportunities that are globally competitive on a risk-adjusted return basis.Overseen by the Global Agenda Council on Long-Term Investing, the Infrastructure Investment Policy Blueprint offers a practical set of recommendations for governments on attracting private capital for infrastructure projects while creating clear social and economic value for their citizens. Through practical advice and case studies, the report provides support to policy-makers as they continue the challenging quest of building and financ­ing the engine of the world’s productivity and economic growth – global infrastructure.


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