已发布: 21 一月 2025

Industries in the Intelligent Age White Paper Series

Explore the AI Governance Alliance’s white paper series – Industries in the Intelligent Age. As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, each paper in this series captures a unique perspective on AI – including a detailed snapshot of the landscape at the time of writing. Recognizing that ongoing shifts and advancements are already in motion, the aim is to continuously deepen and update the understanding of AI’s implications and applications through collaboration with the community of World Economic Forum partners and stakeholders engaged in AI strategy and implementation across organizations.

This white paper series, written in collaboration with Accenture, BCG, McKinsey and the University of Oxford, explores the transformative role of AI across industries. It provides insights through both broad analyses and in-depth explorations of industry-specific and regional deep dives. The series includes industries and sectors such as healthcare, financial services, media, entertainment and sport, transport, advanced manufacturing and supply chains, topics like energy and cybersecurity, and regional China. Each paper provides actionable guidance for organizations navigating AI’s evolving impact while promoting responsible and innovative practices.

Explore the AI Governance Alliance’s white paper series – Industries in the Intelligent Age. As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, each paper in this series captures a unique perspective on AI – including a detailed snapshot of the landscape at the time of writing. Recognizing that ongoing shifts and advancements are already in motion, the aim is to continuously deepen and update the understanding of AI’s implications and applications through collaboration with the community of World Economic Forum partners and stakeholders engaged in AI strategy and implementation across organizations.

This white paper series, written in collaboration with Accenture, BCG, McKinsey and the University of Oxford, explores the transformative role of AI across industries. It provides insights through both broad analyses and in-depth explorations of industry-specific and regional deep dives. The series includes industries and sectors such as healthcare, financial services, media, entertainment and sport, transport, advanced manufacturing and supply chains, topics like energy and cybersecurity, and regional China. Each paper provides actionable guidance for organizations navigating AI’s evolving impact while promoting responsible and innovative practices.


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