已发布: 7 十二月 2011

India Economic Summit - Linking Leadership with Livelihood

After 26 years of successfully hosting the India Economic Summit in New Delhi, the World Economic Forum convened its annual gathering of top decision-makers for the first time in India’s commercial capital, Mumbai, in Maharashtra, the thriving can-do Indian state. Over 800 business, government and civil society leaders from 40 countries participated in this year’s historic Summit. The frank and lively discussions drew upon Mumbai’s dynamic and energetic entrepreneurial spirit and in so doing underscored the wisdom of taking the Summit from the centre and into the states where India’s implementation agenda must be realized.

After 26 years of successfully hosting the India Economic Summit in New Delhi, the World Economic Forum convened its annual gathering of top decision-makers for the first time in India’s commercial capital, Mumbai, in Maharashtra, the thriving can-do Indian state. Over 800 business, government and civil society leaders from 40 countries participated in this year’s historic Summit. The frank and lively discussions drew upon Mumbai’s dynamic and energetic entrepreneurial spirit and in so doing underscored the wisdom of taking the Summit from the centre and into the states where India’s implementation agenda must be realized.


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