已发布: 20 六月 2022

Immersive Media Technologies: The Acceleration of Augmented and Virtual Reality in the Wake of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted whole economies. Immersive media businesses, which focus on technologies that create or imitate the physical world through digital simulation, have been no exception. The Global Future Council on Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, which is comprised of interdisciplinary thought leaders in immersive technology and media, has examined the transformative impact of the pandemic and the speed of adoption of these technologies across industries.

The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted whole economies. Immersive media businesses, which focus on technologies that create or imitate the physical world through digital simulation, have been no exception. The Global Future Council on Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, which is comprised of interdisciplinary thought leaders in immersive technology and media, has examined the transformative impact of the pandemic and the speed of adoption of these technologies across industries.


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