已发布: 5 十二月 2022

How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want

As the travel and tourism (T&T) industry recovers from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the urgency of the need to combat climate change and other sustainability challenges has increased dramatically. In response, T&T companies are setting new sustainability targets while governments, regulators and customers push for accelerated action. However, to achieve these goals and transition to a more sustainable future, T&T companies must successfully develop products that enable more sustainable travel choices.

As the travel and tourism (T&T) industry recovers from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the urgency of the need to combat climate change and other sustainability challenges has increased dramatically. In response, T&T companies are setting new sustainability targets while governments, regulators and customers push for accelerated action. However, to achieve these goals and transition to a more sustainable future, T&T companies must successfully develop products that enable more sustainable travel choices.

Focusing on environmental factors, this report looks at the latest research on sustainable traveller behaviour and the sustainable travel products landscape and composition, provides examples and case studies of current sustainable products, highlights the roadblocks limiting the adoption of such products, and provides guidance and a call to action for companies and the industry as a whole on how best to develop sustainable travel products. The report was produced with the input of multiple industry participants and experts, with Accenture partnering with the World Economic Forum on research and thought leadership.


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