已发布: 13 十二月 2021

How Mobility Shapes Inclusion and Sustainable Growth in Global Cities

Access is an essential prerequisite for social equity and prosperity. To take full advantage of the opportunities available in a society, they must be accessible to as many people as possible. Mobility is a crucial requirement for accessibility and, in turn, for socio-economic growth. But mobility solutions are still far from equitable in many places. This White Paper, a joint effort between the World Economic Forum, BCG and the University of St Gallen, proposes innovative and expanded solutions for public- and private-sector mobility organizations, policy-makers and experts to make mobility the key to inclusion and sustainable growth.

Access is an essential prerequisite for social equity and prosperity. To take full advantage of the opportunities available in a society, they must be accessible to as many people as possible. Mobility is a crucial requirement for accessibility and, in turn, for socio-economic growth. But mobility solutions are still far from equitable in many places. This White Paper, a joint effort between the World Economic Forum, BCG and the University of St Gallen, proposes innovative and expanded solutions for public- and private-sector mobility organizations, policy-makers and experts to make mobility the key to inclusion and sustainable growth.


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