已发布: 15 九月 2015

The High and Low Politics of Trade

"The World Trade Organization (WTO) is at a significant crossroads. Difficulties associated with the conclusion of the Doha Development Round point to the challenge of reviving the Organization’s negotiating mechanism. Amidst negotiations on various regional and bilateral trade agreements during a multipolar political interregnum, the report sets out strategic reasons behind its evident failure -- or that of its members -- to achieve this goal, including the growing significance of China’s role and of such emerging issues as the tension between cyber-security and open trade, and restates the case for the importance of WTO’s centrality in global trade governance."

"The World Trade Organization (WTO) is at a significant crossroads. Difficulties associated with the conclusion of the Doha Development Round point to the challenge of reviving the Organization’s negotiating mechanism. Amidst negotiations on various regional and bilateral trade agreements during a multipolar political interregnum, the report sets out strategic reasons behind its evident failure -- or that of its members -- to achieve this goal, including the growing significance of China’s role and of such emerging issues as the tension between cyber-security and open trade, and restates the case for the importance of WTO’s centrality in global trade governance."


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