已发布: 18 六月 2021

Healthy Cities and Communities Playbook

Maintaining health and well-being is the issue shaping our time. Around the world, in every city, poor lifestyle choices, limited opportunities and inadequate financial security have combined to produce poor nutrition, insufficient physical activity and limited rest. Such unhealthy living leads to rising levels of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels – the root causes of many preventable diseases. Yet cities have the potential to be centres of innovation and progress.

Maintaining health and well-being is the issue shaping our time. Around the world, in every city, poor lifestyle choices, limited opportunities and inadequate financial security have combined to produce poor nutrition, insufficient physical activity and limited rest. Such unhealthy living leads to rising levels of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels – the root causes of many preventable diseases. Yet cities have the potential to be centres of innovation and progress.

The World Economic Forum’s Healthy Cities and Communities initiative aims to improve people’s well-being holistically by enabling them to live longer, fuller lives in their local environments. The Healthy Cities and Communities Playbook provides city leaders with a toolkit and roadmap so they can begin their journey of creating, accelerating and sustaining healthy-living environments in their cities.

The Healthy Cities and Communities Playbook provides city leaders with a toolkit and roadmap to start creating, accelerating and sustaining healthy-living environments in their cities.


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