已发布: 11 五月 2016

Health Systems Leapfrogging in Emerging Economies

This report focuses on catalysing change through an “ecosystem approach” to partnerships. To effectively implement health innovations, we need closer and more efficient cooperation between the public, private, and civil society sectors. The concept of public-private partnerships will need to evolve from the traditional bilateral and transactional models to an ecosystem of partnerships, where the type of cooperation changes over time and sustainability is a key objective.

This report focuses on catalysing change through an “ecosystem approach” to partnerships. To effectively implement health innovations, we need closer and more efficient cooperation between the public, private, and civil society sectors. The concept of public-private partnerships will need to evolve from the traditional bilateral and transactional models to an ecosystem of partnerships, where the type of cooperation changes over time and sustainability is a key objective.

By successfully mobilizing and coordinating an ecosystem of large corporations, start-ups, NGOs, international and academic institutions, as well as health policy makers, we have the opportunity to transform health systems in emerging economies.


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