已发布: 24 六月 2024

Health Impacts of Climate Change: Evidence Landscape and Role of Private Sector

Climate change poses significant risks to public health, particularly affecting vulnerable groups such as low-income communities, women, children and the elderly. Addressing the interconnectedness of environmental changes and public health is crucial to mitigate health impacts with coordinated action by all stakeholders, including the private sector. This report, prepared by the World Economic Forum in collaboration with L.E.K. Consulting, provides an in-depth analysis of the direct and indirect health impacts of climate change. It assesses the gaps in research and actionable guidance, and highlights opportunities for private sector intervention to improve health outcomes.

Climate change poses significant risks to public health, particularly affecting vulnerable groups such as low-income communities, women, children and the elderly. Addressing the interconnectedness of environmental changes and public health is crucial to mitigate health impacts with coordinated action by all stakeholders, including the private sector. This report, prepared by the World Economic Forum in collaboration with L.E.K. Consulting, provides an in-depth analysis of the direct and indirect health impacts of climate change. It assesses the gaps in research and actionable guidance, and highlights opportunities for private sector intervention to improve health outcomes.


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