作者: Antonia Gawel 和 Dr Celine Herweijer
已发布: 17 九月 2020

Harnessing Technology for the Global Goals: A Framework for Corporate Action

Progress to reach the UN’s Global Goals by 2030 was already off track as we entered the 2020s, only worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic. This report is an initial step towards clarifying how corporate leadership can drive and harness the uptake of advanced technologies to accelerate action on the Global Goals. It outlines a framework for corporate leadership to ask the key questions and support the critical conversations that will spur technological advancement to effectively deliver meaningful social and environmental change. We hope these insights and guiding questions will spark a sense of urgency both within and across companies, to drive the conversation forward with determination and vigour. Turning these leadership conversations into effective actions is the next crucial step in ensuring that emerging technologies are fully harnessed to enable the Global Goals to become a reality by 2030.

Progress to reach the UN’s Global Goals by 2030 was already off track as we entered the 2020s, only worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic. This report is an initial step towards clarifying how corporate leadership can drive and harness the uptake of advanced technologies to accelerate action on the Global Goals. It outlines a framework for corporate leadership to ask the key questions and support the critical conversations that will spur technological advancement to effectively deliver meaningful social and environmental change. We hope these insights and guiding questions will spark a sense of urgency both within and across companies, to drive the conversation forward with determination and vigour. Turning these leadership conversations into effective actions is the next crucial step in ensuring that emerging technologies are fully harnessed to enable the Global Goals to become a reality by 2030.


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