已发布: 25 七月 2023

Green Returns: Unleashing the Power of Finance for Sustainable Food Systems

This paper is a direct call to the finance community to reshape its strategies, incentivize across the value chain with innovative financial tools and invest responsibly for a greener, equitable future.

This paper is a direct call to the finance community to reshape its strategies, incentivize across the value chain with innovative financial tools and invest responsibly for a greener, equitable future.

Representing approximately one-third of global emissions, food systems contribute significantly to the world’s greenhouse gas footprint, yet the transition to net-zero and sustainable food remains underfunded, with just under 4% of climate finance allocated to agriculture and food. Financial sector involvement can unleash the power of public and private investments and partnerships to harness the immense potential of transforming our food systems.

In this white paper, the World Economic Forum, in collaboration with Deloitte, delves deep into this pressing issue, highlighting five pivotal financial vehicles to ignite this change. This paper is a direct call to the finance community to reshape its strategies, incentivize across the value chain with innovative financial tools and invest responsibly for a greener, equitable future. The paper details the actionable steps to combat climate change and reap the substantial benefits of a transformed food system. Collective efforts can ensure a sustainable planet for generations to come.


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