已发布: 9 一月 2024

Green Hydrogen: Enabling Measures Roadmap for Adoption in India

This report by the World Economic Forum, written in collaboration with Bain & Company, recommends five areas that can benefit from public-private interventions in expediting the adoption of green hydrogen in India.

This report by the World Economic Forum, written in collaboration with Bain & Company, recommends five areas that can benefit from public-private interventions in expediting the adoption of green hydrogen in India.

Hydrogen produced through the electrolysis of water, powered by renewable energy, can not only provide energy for sectors such as fertilizers, chemicals, refining and iron, but can also save carbon emissions compared to fossil fuels.

With this in mind, this report provides a detailed analysis of what it will take to make green hydrogen a credible energy pathway in India. The overarching aim is to turn the report's recommendations into concrete measures and accelerate action on the path to net-zero.


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