已发布: 30 四月 2021

Good Data: Sharing Data and Fostering Public Trust and Willingness

Data is not only a "primary" asset, with value to the organizations that collect and use it for specific purposes, but also a “secondary" asset, in which additional worth is created through broader circulation. “Good data” stems from how data is handled: with consideration for privacy, fairness, social justice, ethics and legal compliance. By handling data properly, data users can gain the trust of the public, as individuals and as data subjects, increasing people's willingness to provide data. This White Paper presents two frameworks as tools for accelerating innovation while building trust: the Trust and Willingness Framework and the Good Data Framework. The first aims to build public trust in the secondary use of data; the second promotes ethical considerations in data handling.

Data is not only a "primary" asset, with value to the organizations that collect and use it for specific purposes, but also a “secondary" asset, in which additional worth is created through broader circulation. “Good data” stems from how data is handled: with consideration for privacy, fairness, social justice, ethics and legal compliance. By handling data properly, data users can gain the trust of the public, as individuals and as data subjects, increasing people's willingness to provide data. This White Paper presents two frameworks as tools for accelerating innovation while building trust: the Trust and Willingness Framework and the Good Data Framework. The first aims to build public trust in the secondary use of data; the second promotes ethical considerations in data handling.


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