已发布: 10 一月 2025

Global Skills Taxonomy Adoption Toolkit: Defining a Common Skills Language for a Future-Ready Workforce

Skills and talent shortages are critical challenges hindering economic growth, limiting business opportunities, and curbing individual potential. As technology rapidly advances and economic landscapes continue to shift, a common skills language is urgently needed to bridge gaps and enable workforce transformation.

Skills and talent shortages are critical challenges hindering economic growth, limiting business opportunities, and curbing individual potential. As technology rapidly advances and economic landscapes continue to shift, a common skills language is urgently needed to bridge gaps and enable workforce transformation.

The Global Skills Taxonomy Adoption Toolkit equips leaders across sectors—businesses, governments, and education providers—with actionable steps, evidence-based insights, and real-world case studies to adopt a common skills language and embed skills-first approaches into talent management strategies. Grounded in research and extensive stakeholder input, this toolkit is both a resource and a call to action, enabling organizations to collectively build a resilient, future-ready workforce. By adopting this common framework, stakeholders can collectively address the challenges posed by the evolving labour market and prepare workers for the jobs of tomorrow.


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