已发布: 30 三月 2022


Local manufacturing and supply chain resilience are crucial in the current geopolitical context, as organizations strive to engage their workforces and sustain operations amid international unrest and economic headwinds. There are also new pressures to maintain sustainability commitments and accelerate the transition towards renewable energy, while addressing more immediate energy market disruptions.

Local manufacturing and supply chain resilience are crucial in the current geopolitical context, as organizations strive to engage their workforces and sustain operations amid international unrest and economic headwinds. There are also new pressures to maintain sustainability commitments and accelerate the transition towards renewable energy, while addressing more immediate energy market disruptions.

Members of the Global Lighthouse Network are applying advanced technologies to increase supply chain resilience, augment green measures and boost workforce engagement while bolstering productivity.

Read on to explore this newest set of insights from the Global Lighthouse Network, the Lighthouse Playbook. This guide present the insights of new frontrunners in advanced manufacturing about responsible transformation at scale through workforce engagement and environmental sustainability measures – that is, transformation that prioritizes people and the planet.


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