Global Lighthouse Network: Reimagining Operations for Growth

Digital is no longer optional. Global disruptions and instabilities impose a pressing need and opportunity for quantitative and qualitative growth amidst shifts in supply, demand, and customer expectations for digital-first experiences. Companies must find pathways to extend value through novel customer experiences to remain competitive; indeed, scalable technology that supports business goals is a requirement to become an industry-leading digital organization.
Digital is no longer optional. Global disruptions and instabilities impose a pressing need and opportunity for quantitative and qualitative growth amidst shifts in supply, demand, and customer expectations for digital-first experiences. Companies must find pathways to extend value through novel customer experiences to remain competitive; indeed, scalable technology that supports business goals is a requirement to become an industry-leading digital organization.
The Global Lighthouse Network welcomes 15 new lighthouses to an inspiring group of organizations that exhibit the essential characteristics of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Lighthouses show the way amidst these challenges, demonstrating how digitally-infused operations go beyond productivity gains to create a base for sustainable, profitable growth.
It is now clear that lighthouses are driving business model innovation through 4IR, and ushering in new levels of customer-centric value. By shifting to models that leverage greater transparency into customer needs, advanced companies are implementing new use cases, such as those enabling mass customization with unprecedented speed-to-market. And, these gains are being made with little to no capital expenditure. In addition, the forerunners are discovering that growth need not come at the expense of environmental responsibility. In fact, the opposite is taking place: productivity improvements often drive resource efficiency gains and are tied to environmentally-conscious impact.
How do these organizations realize these gains? What is the secret to scaling?