已发布: 25 九月 2020

Global Lighthouse Network: Four Durable Shifts for a Great Reset in Manufacturing

The World Economic Forum’s Global Lighthouse Network comprises 54 leading companies that have succeeded in the adoption of Fourth Industrial Revolution technology at scale, at individual sites and/or end-to-end across the value chain. This growth reflects the accelerating adoption of core Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies and their infusion in daily manufacturing and supply chain operations, as organizations act on a new urgency to remain competitive. Recent world events have only amplified this urgency, calling for a “Great Reset” across all sectors of the global economy. This Great Reset represents a decisive set of actions oriented towards delivering value not only to companies themselves, but to society as a whole.

The World Economic Forum’s Global Lighthouse Network comprises 54 leading companies that have succeeded in the adoption of Fourth Industrial Revolution technology at scale, at individual sites and/or end-to-end across the value chain. This growth reflects the accelerating adoption of core Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies and their infusion in daily manufacturing and supply chain operations, as organizations act on a new urgency to remain competitive. Recent world events have only amplified this urgency, calling for a “Great Reset” across all sectors of the global economy. This Great Reset represents a decisive set of actions oriented towards delivering value not only to companies themselves, but to society as a whole.


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