已发布: 30 六月 2020

Global Future Council on New Network Technologies - 5G: Society’s Essential Innovation Technology

A Community Paper by Global Future Council on New Network Technologies

A Community Paper by Global Future Council on New Network Technologies

Many challenges faced by society today will be addressed and supported by advanced technologies that are able to harness, analyse, and connect massive datasets. One of these will be fifth-generation mobile networks, or 5G, which will provide a new foundational communications capability that brings humans and devices into a common orbit built around distributed, near-instantaneous interactions. By bringing the power of computing closer to data sources through 5G networks, previously unsolvable problems can now become a reality.

The World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on New Network Technologies, during its 2018-2020 term, focused on the benefits to society and the role of partnerships between government and the private sector when it comes to network technologies. It also explored the incentives for network development and the distribution of value throughout the 5G environment, as well as the role of new systems in driving value and innovation. This document reflects the various discussions among Council Members and its extended community.


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