已发布: 9 十月 2024

Global Financial Inclusion Practices: Case Studies from China, India and the USA

Financial inclusion is critical for building resilience among individuals and businesses. It integrates marginalized populations into the financial system, enabling them to secure financial stability, manage risks and withstand economic shocks. This white paper examines global efforts to promote financial inclusion among individuals and businesses, emphasizing the role of government policies, public–private partnerships and technological innovations.

Financial inclusion is critical for building resilience among individuals and businesses. It integrates marginalized populations into the financial system, enabling them to secure financial stability, manage risks and withstand economic shocks. This white paper examines global efforts to promote financial inclusion among individuals and businesses, emphasizing the role of government policies, public–private partnerships and technological innovations.

For small and micro enterprises (SMEs), financial inclusion enhances access to capital and supports growth, especially in uncertain times. Examples such as China’s digital yuan and loan disparities in the United States highlight how targeted initiatives can bring underserved populations into the financial fold. The paper calls for collaboration among governments, industries and civil society to address systemic challenges and create a more inclusive, transparent and equitable financial ecosystem for sustainable growth.


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