已发布: 14 十二月 2012

The Global Energy Architecture Performance Index Report 2013

The World Economic Forum in collaboration with Accenture and a panel of experts have developed an Energy Architecture Performance Index (EAPI). The EAPI benchmarks and ranks 105 countries globally on how well their energy system delivers economic growth and development, environmental sustainability and energy security and access. In a changing global energy landscape, countries are seeking ways to manage the transition to new energy systems that better deliver on these core goals. The EAPI offers a tool for decision makers to monitor the performance of their energy system and a basis for assessing areas to improve.

The World Economic Forum in collaboration with Accenture and a panel of experts have developed an Energy Architecture Performance Index (EAPI). The EAPI benchmarks and ranks 105 countries globally on how well their energy system delivers economic growth and development, environmental sustainability and energy security and access. In a changing global energy landscape, countries are seeking ways to manage the transition to new energy systems that better deliver on these core goals. The EAPI offers a tool for decision makers to monitor the performance of their energy system and a basis for assessing areas to improve.


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