已发布: 10 三月 2011

The Global Education Initiative (GEI) Model of Effective Partnership Initiatives for Education 2010

This report presents and describes the Global Education Initiative (GEI) model of effective partnership initiatives for education as it is currently being implemented in Jordan, Rajasthan, India and Egypt and summarizes the many lessons learned in the process of implementing initiatives across these three countries. The report acknowledges and applauds the significant progress that has been and continues to be made in each of the three initiatives, but the emphasis is on what needs to be done to continue to sustain and scale up these important initiatives. The report is intended to support ongoing efforts to strengthen existing initiatives and to help guide those considering the establishment of similar initiatives in other countries.

This report presents and describes the Global Education Initiative (GEI) model of effective partnership initiatives for education as it is currently being implemented in Jordan, Rajasthan, India and Egypt and summarizes the many lessons learned in the process of implementing initiatives across these three countries. The report acknowledges and applauds the significant progress that has been and continues to be made in each of the three initiatives, but the emphasis is on what needs to be done to continue to sustain and scale up these important initiatives. The report is intended to support ongoing efforts to strengthen existing initiatives and to help guide those considering the establishment of similar initiatives in other countries.


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