已发布: 10 三月 2011

Global Education Initiative European Roundtable on Entrepreneurship Education Manifesto 2010

On 11-12 May 2010, on the occasion of the World Economic Forum on Europe, the steering board of the World Economic Forum’s Global Education Initiative, the European Advisory Group and other leaders from business, government, academia and civil society gathered in Brussels for a private, high-level roundtable meeting on entrepreneurship education. The discussions led to the creation of this manifesto, which is built around seven pillars.

On 11-12 May 2010, on the occasion of the World Economic Forum on Europe, the steering board of the World Economic Forum’s Global Education Initiative, the European Advisory Group and other leaders from business, government, academia and civil society gathered in Brussels for a private, high-level roundtable meeting on entrepreneurship education. The discussions led to the creation of this manifesto, which is built around seven pillars.


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