已发布: 10 三月 2011

Global Education Initiative Annual Report 2010

Since 2003, the Global Education Initiative (GEI) has been engaging leaders from business, government, academia, international organizations, civil society and non-governmental organizations to effect positive, sustainable and scalable changes in education at global and regional levels with a focus on innovation, quality and relevance. The GEI’s open, multistakeholder approach to education advancement has proven to be a resilient and creative backdrop for the multiple workstreams that constitute the initiative as it moves into its eighth year of existence.

Since 2003, the Global Education Initiative (GEI) has been engaging leaders from business, government, academia, international organizations, civil society and non-governmental organizations to effect positive, sustainable and scalable changes in education at global and regional levels with a focus on innovation, quality and relevance. The GEI’s open, multistakeholder approach to education advancement has proven to be a resilient and creative backdrop for the multiple workstreams that constitute the initiative as it moves into its eighth year of existence.


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