已发布: 1 六月 2010

Global Agenda Council on Sustainable Consumption 2012-2014

A clear gap exists between the intentions and actions of consumers regarding sustainability. When consumers are surveyed around the world, 72% say they are willing to buy green products, yet only 17% actually do. The launch of the 2012 initiative, “Engaging Tomorrow’s Consumer”, focused on the consumer demand side of the issue and explored the key question: “How can companies engage consumers to trigger simple behavioural shifts that enable more sustainable lifestyles, grow demand for more sustainable products and create business value?”

A clear gap exists between the intentions and actions of consumers regarding sustainability. When consumers are surveyed around the world, 72% say they are willing to buy green products, yet only 17% actually do. The launch of the 2012 initiative, “Engaging Tomorrow’s Consumer”, focused on the consumer demand side of the issue and explored the key question: “How can companies engage consumers to trigger simple behavioural shifts that enable more sustainable lifestyles, grow demand for more sustainable products and create business value?”


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