已发布: 1 六月 2010

Global Agenda Council on the Role of Faith 2012-2014

The religious landscape has shifted over the past decades. Evidence shows that in some societies the role of faith is fading, with an increasing number of people having no religious affiliation and a general resistance to identify as someone who practises religion. Conversely, 80% of the world’s population adheres to a religion, and in these societies recognition of the role played by faith and religious culture in public life and in tackling global problems is growing. In such societies, faith groups exercise authority, strengthen the social capital and provide services; they advocate for change and mobilize communities. There is a sense that the space where faith and society interact is evolving in dynamic ways, and that changes in society are affecting the relationships between faith groups and other societal and economic stakeholders.

The religious landscape has shifted over the past decades. Evidence shows that in some societies the role of faith is fading, with an increasing number of people having no religious affiliation and a general resistance to identify as someone who practises religion. Conversely, 80% of the world’s population adheres to a religion, and in these societies recognition of the role played by faith and religious culture in public life and in tackling global problems is growing. In such societies, faith groups exercise authority, strengthen the social capital and provide services; they advocate for change and mobilize communities. There is a sense that the space where faith and society interact is evolving in dynamic ways, and that changes in society are affecting the relationships between faith groups and other societal and economic stakeholders.


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