已发布: 1 六月 2010

Global Agenda Council on the Role of Business 2012-2014

The global landscape for business has changed dramatically in recent decades; just as the impact of companies on society and the environment has increased, so have company responsibilities. Business leaders, investors, civil society and other stakeholders – government, policy-makers, regulators, the broader public and individual citizens – have recognized the global demand for business models that incorporate shared values, but the mechanisms to create and sustain such models have not met demand. The Global Agenda Council on the Role of Business has identified a range of actions businesses might take to tackle social problems. The challenge for business, according to a white paper published by the Council in March 2012, is to increase value for stakeholders while safeguarding the societal ecosystems in which it operates.

The global landscape for business has changed dramatically in recent decades; just as the impact of companies on society and the environment has increased, so have company responsibilities. Business leaders, investors, civil society and other stakeholders – government, policy-makers, regulators, the broader public and individual citizens – have recognized the global demand for business models that incorporate shared values, but the mechanisms to create and sustain such models have not met demand. The Global Agenda Council on the Role of Business has identified a range of actions businesses might take to tackle social problems. The challenge for business, according to a white paper published by the Council in March 2012, is to increase value for stakeholders while safeguarding the societal ecosystems in which it operates.


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