已发布: 1 六月 2010

Global Agenda Council on Women’s Empowerment 2012-2014

Countries that invest in girls and integrate women into the workforce tend to be more competitive. Thus many governments are considering or already implementing policies to promote opportunities for women. Mounting research and anecdotal evidence shows that closing the gender gap is good for companies too. Those that successfully engage women can reap a rich diversity dividend. With talent shortages projected to become more severe in much of the developed and developing world, it is imperative for business to have access to female talent.

Countries that invest in girls and integrate women into the workforce tend to be more competitive. Thus many governments are considering or already implementing policies to promote opportunities for women. Mounting research and anecdotal evidence shows that closing the gender gap is good for companies too. Those that successfully engage women can reap a rich diversity dividend. With talent shortages projected to become more severe in much of the developed and developing world, it is imperative for business to have access to female talent.


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