已发布: 1 六月 2010

Global Agenda Council on Oceans 2012-2014

Oceans offer great opportunity for economic growth and development and support the very existence of humanity through oxygen provision and climate regulation. Awareness of potential ocean resources is growing rapidly but our seas are badly managed. This has led to challenges such as collapsing fish stocks, rising sea levels and increasing piracy. “Business as usual” is not sustainable and step changes must occur in resource management practices. The Global Agenda Council on Oceans plays a central role in identifying the challenges and promoting sustainable management practices through its activities. A multitude of efforts around ocean conservation and management exist globally, but it is crucial that the Council promote efficient collaboration among them.

Oceans offer great opportunity for economic growth and development and support the very existence of humanity through oxygen provision and climate regulation. Awareness of potential ocean resources is growing rapidly but our seas are badly managed. This has led to challenges such as collapsing fish stocks, rising sea levels and increasing piracy. “Business as usual” is not sustainable and step changes must occur in resource management practices. The Global Agenda Council on Oceans plays a central role in identifying the challenges and promoting sustainable management practices through its activities. A multitude of efforts around ocean conservation and management exist globally, but it is crucial that the Council promote efficient collaboration among them.


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