已发布: 1 六月 2010

Global Agenda Council on New Energy Architecture 2012-2014

A global energy transition is under way, but progress is slow, incremental and varies widely according to geography. History has shown that energy transition is not an abrupt change but one that unfolds over decades. Worryingly, the current trajectory will not solve the major energy challenges of today, which include the carbon problem, and energy access and security issues. The global community faces the challenge of delivering sustainable, affordable and secure energy for all.

A global energy transition is under way, but progress is slow, incremental and varies widely according to geography. History has shown that energy transition is not an abrupt change but one that unfolds over decades. Worryingly, the current trajectory will not solve the major energy challenges of today, which include the carbon problem, and energy access and security issues. The global community faces the challenge of delivering sustainable, affordable and secure energy for all.


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