已发布: 1 六月 2010

Global Agenda Council on the Future of Government 2012-2014

The digital revolution is transforming politics and the nature of government. From education improvement and tax collection to better healthcare systems and job creation, technology is putting pressure on governments to deliver more with less. Citizens’ voices are increasingly “present” in the public policy-making processes, and their demands for an “always-on”, connected government are intensifying through social media. Governments are responding to increased demands to keep up with their technologically enabled and agile citizenry. They are realizing that technology can act as an enabler to transform government processes, enhancing the provision of public services and enabling higher productivity.

The digital revolution is transforming politics and the nature of government. From education improvement and tax collection to better healthcare systems and job creation, technology is putting pressure on governments to deliver more with less. Citizens’ voices are increasingly “present” in the public policy-making processes, and their demands for an “always-on”, connected government are intensifying through social media. Governments are responding to increased demands to keep up with their technologically enabled and agile citizenry. They are realizing that technology can act as an enabler to transform government processes, enhancing the provision of public services and enabling higher productivity.


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