已发布: 1 六月 2010

Global Agenda Council on Food Security 2012-2014

The global economic crisis has exacerbated food insecurity, leaving 870 million people in hunger. Shortfalls and volatility in global food supplies and prices are likely to intensify due to higher costs of production, greater demand for food and energy, and climate change. Efforts to achieve food security historically have suffered from insufficient investment and a lack of coordination in a complex landscape of issues and stakeholders. The challenges remain the same today, although the threat of a food crisis is perhaps more real than ever. Yet this risk can be alleviated through policy reforms, targeted investment and innovative ways to increase production and access to food. New initiatives, innovative financing and multistakehodler partnerships are gathering momentum in the fight against food insecurity.

The global economic crisis has exacerbated food insecurity, leaving 870 million people in hunger. Shortfalls and volatility in global food supplies and prices are likely to intensify due to higher costs of production, greater demand for food and energy, and climate change. Efforts to achieve food security historically have suffered from insufficient investment and a lack of coordination in a complex landscape of issues and stakeholders. The challenges remain the same today, although the threat of a food crisis is perhaps more real than ever. Yet this risk can be alleviated through policy reforms, targeted investment and innovative ways to increase production and access to food. New initiatives, innovative financing and multistakehodler partnerships are gathering momentum in the fight against food insecurity.


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